Journal & Changelog
4/15/24: New fanshrine page is up, this one for my favorite trot singer Jang Yoon-jeong! I had so much fun making it, her music really cheers me up. I'm going to do some re-organizing of trot content soon, but for now please enjoy the link in the sidebar.
4/12/24: Explored more Neocities websites and added buttons for the ones I thought were cool! Today was meh, I watched too much Youtube, missed confession, and did my taxes. And... happy h--homestuc--happy homestuck da-- (a sniper takes me out)
4/12/24: I finished my puzzle! Picture below. Losing steam on this website but I still have ideas. Posted a fan shrine page for South Korean Trot singer Kim Yong-im, hopefully the first of a series on trot singers! Small tweaks: borders on pictures; favicon so my site looks nice in your browser; added alt text to all images.
4/8/24: It is just past midnight and I posted an essay I did not plan but spent over 4 hours working on; Via Media: Catholic Womanhood and the Golden Mean. I don't expect nearly anyone to care or agree, but the writing urge overtook me. -- end of day: struggled to make the layout look better with mixed success. took another quiz that I added to my about page :3
4/7/24: Peace and love on planet earth. I watched two sparrows eating dandelion seed puffs in my backyard today. The puffs were taller than them, so they hopped onto the stem with surprising vigor to force it down to their level. They balanced on the stem to eat the top, and then hopped back to the ground to eat the bottom. They looked so cute spreading seeds around! Picture below. ALSO, essays topics I'd like post include sacred music, the role of Bella's mother in Twilight, and an exploration of shelf-ready cataloging and the library job market.
4/6/24: After many hours of struggling and work, I have accomplished some light CSS! Also created custom header and buttons, and added some flair to the site. Declaring it ready to tag with keywords and release into the wild. Completed pages are: About, I Hate the Cloud. All pages still open to visual tweaks as I learn more.
4/4/24: CSS hates me and I cannot figure out how to make sidebars! I even tried making my page into a basic html table and not even that worked :(
4/3/24: Should have been doing homework or working on my puzzle. Instead I made this, and am once again up past bedtime...
4/12/24: Completed puzzle!

4/7/24: Here is one of the sparrows.

4/4/24: It's Eastertide!

Flowers for the Easter Sunday brunch table.

I just bought myself a puzzle board and am working on this painting of an English cottage scene.